Tuesday 28 March 2023

Spring is trying to spring...

Whilst we have had the occasional warm, dry and sunny day or two, the spring so far has been marked by some rather damp, dreary weather with over 75mm, or 3" in old money, of rain falling so far in March. It has meant that the majority of our summer migrants have failed to put in an appearance, with only Chiffchaff, which arrived in large numbers just over a week ago, Swallow with a couple of single birds at Lofts and along the bypass and two Sand Martin yesterday at Lofts all that have made it back so far, unless you count the year's first Great White Egret at Lofts Farm yesterday as a summer migrant...

Meanwhile our winter birds are still present with, away from the estuary, Fieldfare, Redwing, Woodcock and Goosander all recorded in the last week, whilst my first peak out of the window this morning was greeted by a rather smart Brambling - all these species are currently moving north-east through the country on their way back to north, often to Scandinavia.

Male Brambling

When the sun has had the brief opportunity to shine, and the wind has been light, it has felt quite warm and butterflies noted around the patch have included Brimstone, Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell, all of which have been noted at Chelmer Valley Reserve with a few others noted around the patch. A Large Velvet Ant was an excellent find at the Chelmer Valley Reserve where the first Common Lizard of the year has been seen whilst Bank Vole was recently added to the Reserve's ever growing list.

Large Velvet Ant 

Many Prunus trees, many of them cherry-plum or plum-cherry are in flower around Maldon at the moment but I've not seen any Blackthorn yet. Lords and Ladies are the most obvious of the spring flora bursting through the soil but the ground is beginning to green up significantly now. What we now need is a long, warm dry spell...things will grow very quickly when that happens!

Lords and Ladies


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